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Product number: 1671.1

DIN Ubbelohde Viscometer

DIN Ubbelohde Viscometer
Sample Type
In stock



Ubbelohde (DIN) Viscometer

  • Suitable for measuring transparent liquids
  • Complete with UKAS Certificate of Calibration (ISO 17025). Laboratory No.0247
  • Nominal overall length 300 mm. Approximate sample volume 25 mL
Specifications: DIN 51 562
Test Methods: DIN 51 562

Sizes available

Part No.
1671/01Oa0.0051 to 5
1671/02I0.012 to 10
1671/03Ia0.0510 to 50
1671/04II0.120 to 100
1671/05IIa0.5100 to 500
1671/06III1.0200 to 1,000
1671/07IIIa5.01,000 to 5,000
1671/08IV102,000 to 10,000
1671/09 IVa5010,000 to 50,000

Sample Certificate available below