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Product number: iSP-2 PULP

iSP-2 PULP Integrated Sample Preparation

iSP-2 PULP Integrated Sample Preparation
In stock

Pulp & Cellulose Sample Preparation

  • Generate precise concentration using approximate sample weight
  • Auto-calculation of water/CED 
  • Auto-dispensing of water/CED
  • User friendly voice prompting software
  • Weight to weight concentration data for results calculation

iSP-2 Sample Preparation, supplied complete with precision balance, syringe Pump (s) and voice prompting software. Samples can be prepared in under 75 seconds. Sample details are automatically transferred to the RPV. Uses weight to weight data rather than weight to volume data to calculate concentration – avoids errors due to temperature/density. 
Built in safety checks. Automatic ASH & MOISTURE corrections to concentration. Uses AUDIO prompts to talk the operator through the essential preparation steps. Pre-programmed methods make preparation simple and straightforward. 
Simple & Safe to use, improves accuracy, saves operator time & reduces exposure to hazardous chemicals- 
Standard model suitable for most polymer applications. 
Pulp model complete with two syringe pumps: 
Balance: 4 decimal places-
Interface: RS232C-
2 iSP syringe pumps, 25ml
Interface: RS232C

Part No. ISP-2 Pulp